OpenSim Supporters from IBM and Microsoft Rave On in Shengri La

If you couldn’t make it last night, you missed a great large-scale immersive 3D event in virtual worlds in the Fashion Research Institute’s Shengri La sims in Second Life.  Over and above the fact it was another one of our typically cool, visually compelling rave parties with a fantastic music stream laid down by DJane Qee Nishi, what made last night particularly interesting was that we had OpenSim supporters and developers from both my technology partner, IBM, and from Microsoft and its partners. 

Not unlike pounding the first stake in the transnational American railroad system, this casual social gathering stands as a critical point in the evolution of the open source OpenSim development movement. 

Of course, for those of us who were there, we enjoyed the excellent tracks laid down by Qee, the fantastic outfits so many attendees put together, the witty repartee and occasional innuendo without being deeply impressed with the historical significance of the event.  The usual IBM partiers were joined last night by developers and OpenSim supporters from Microsoft and one of Microsoft’s partners, G-Squared.  G2 Proto (Kyle Gomboy – as mentioned in Tish Chute’s article on her UgoTrade blog) was kind enough to stream the event, live, from Shengri La to Snowcrash TV.  Kyle will have clips of the event available sometime later, so even if you couldn’t be there last night, you can see what you missed.  Plus, of course, snaps of some of the attendees…

DJane Qee Nishi is UP!

Garythegoat Raving in Style



G2 Proto Looks Shocked
(But check out those wings!)

Chestnut & Zha Ravin’ in the Air

Calli’s New Wings

Script Wizard Dale & Harper

Blank Cleanslate, IBM OpenSim Island Manager

Various Ravers~!

A Greener Solution

Utopians Midrave: Rez, Chestnut, Calli, Zha, and Me

Go, Jess!

Awesome Rave Outfit!

Minions or Baby Junques? You Decide!

Ravers Raving on

Scientist Troy McLuhan Performs WaveLength Experiments

Michelle Has Great Wings

Frequent Raver Kate Nicholas and RobinG from G-Squared Rave on!

 A Nice Array of Wings

Rose Queen in a Prim & Proper Frock

Woo Hoo! Blue!

Ravers Eva Bellambi and Kate Nicholas

Another Fashionably Attired Raver

Raving Hip Hopper!

A Very Cool Outfit

A great time was had by all. Here’s to a bright future for OpenSim, and the day we hold our first rave in our IBM-hosted OpenSim.  Get your Avatars ready, cause it’s coming, just a matter of time.

Hope you can join us next time, when we host the SteamPunk Rave in Shengri La! 

One thought on “OpenSim Supporters from IBM and Microsoft Rave On in Shengri La

  1. It was an honor to be invited to the beautiful Shengri La simulator with the coolest party visuals, music and hosts! We hope to return the favor and invite our OpenSim friends to our upcoming events. Hopefully we will get invited back! Thanks to Strawberry Fride for the rusty wings! Nicer hosts cannot be found!

    🙂 G2 Proto and RobinG2 Proto

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